Mosquito Season Just Around the Corner

As we approach the middle of this week, those of us in the Ozarks will start to see temperatures in the 90-degree range, and after last weeks rainfall, mosquitoes will be looking to increase activity.

Mosquitoes are considered to be one of the most dangerous animals to humans, due to the plethora of diseases they can carry. Thankfully, being in Arkansas and Missouri, we won’t have to worry about most of them. However, we do still need to think of West Nile Virus, and be aware of the dangers it can carry.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

As we go through this week, be sure to eliminate any standing bodies of water that are still about on your property from last week. Even spots of water as small as a tablespoon can be a breeding ground, so be sure to check trash, toys, swing sets, and others places where it might have collected.

As with most parasitic pests, repellants that contain DEET should prove most effective.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual