Mountain Grove Heritage Festival and Missouri Bicentennial Celebration 2021

Mountain Grove, MO – What do fresh garden produce, buffalo meat, fresh chicken eggs, molasses, honey, and cast-iron cooking have in common? These were staple foods and one method of cooking used by our pioneer forefathers that are available at the Missouri Bicentennial and Heritage Festival here in Mountain Grove on August 14.

This festival will be host to many food vendors. Some of the first to sign up were Snowballs Shaved Ice, Delightful Confections, KLR Events Kettle Corn, London Calling, Uncle Charlie’s Concessions, McGuire’s Chuck Wagon, Tasty Snow Crab, and Brad Brewer Kettle Corn, Curt Wright Catering, Our Place, Shook Farms, and Mr. B’s Fillin’ Station. Several churches will have food including barbeque and fried fruit pie. There will be buffalo sloppy joes, funnel cakes, and fried corn on the cob.

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The restaurants around the square have a variety of foods. Matteo’s will feature pizza and Italian ice, LA Café has a full menu for breakfast and lunch, Family Pharmacy’s historic soda fountain will be open to serve phosphates, soda, malts, shakes, and sundaes, and Richards Brother’s has a deli with their famous fried and glazed croissants.

For the fan of antiques there will be several displays to wander through. The Ozark Older Iron Club will have farm equipment and steam driven equipment, the History and Arts Center located in the historic giraffe stone 1938 City Hall will host a collection of artifacts that include an 1800s school bell, photography of early Mountain Grove, a train bench and many other items. Around the square the observer will find refurbished cast iron utensils for sale, antique wood carving tools to view along with Van Kelly’s artwork.  On loan from a private collection there will be bunting from the 1915 bandstand along with many older photos of Mountain Grove. The Event Center is hosting a quilt show with some older quilts as well as new ones. All these events have free admission.

The Bandstand itself in the heart of the square is 106 years old and has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. It was dedicated in 1915 by Vice President Thomas Marshall when he was here in Mountain Grove for the annual Chautauqua Circuit.

We continue to welcome vendors and demonstrations of skills typical and necessary to the pioneers.  To contact the sponsors or to request a vendor registration form, please email:

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