Mountain Home superintendent speaks on coronavirus

As confirmed cases of COVID-19 get closer and closer to Arkansas, Mountain Home school Superintendent Jake Long provided a quick update to let parents and community members know that in addition to the school’s enhanced cleaning procedures, administrators and teachers are fine tuning plans for how they will continue student instruction if we are required to close our campuses due to a confirmed case of the virus in our student or staff populations. 

“We are updating and adjusting our AMI lessons, so that a school closure would not negatively affect the continuity of instruction going on across the district,” said Long. “These AMI plans are coming together, but we all hope that we do not have to use them.

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Our administrative team is discussing all upcoming student and staff travel plans (especially those outside the state). 

I want you to know how much we appreciate you all reiterating the importance of good handwashing techniques and other hygiene etiquette at home. I am still in communication with our local and state healthcare officials, and I will share any new information as it becomes available.”

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