Mountain View Chamber of Commerce lunch meeting

On, Tuesday the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce welcomed guest speaker Sheri Noble of the Good Samaritan Care Clinic to the noon luncheon.  Sheri spoke on the changes and difficulties that the clinic has endured throughout the pandemic and the adjustments that were made to continue helping those in need.

Prior to the pandemic, The Good Samaritan Care Clinic hosted walk-in medical clinics each Monday evening to offer free healthcare to area residents who were uninsured or low-income individuals.  This was accomplished through volunteers on all levels of the visits from receptionist to physicians, nurses, and more.  When the shut-down occurred in March, the clinic was no longer able to safely carry out walk in services safely due to lack of waiting room staff as well as PPE equipment shortages.  With nearly half of the 800 individuals who used the clinic as their primary care classified as chronic illnesses such as diabetes, they knew they had to figure out a way to continue care for these individuals as they, in many cases, had no other access to critical supplies.  The Good Samaritan Care Clinic was able to do appointment-based visits Monday through Thursday to meet those needs.  While things are different now, they remain focused on helping those in need.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

The Good Samaritan Care Clinic is a non-profit organization, they are currently seeking volunteers and they can always use donations as well.  For more information visit them online at or contact Sheri Noble at the clinic

Mountain View Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month

Tri County Auto Parts in Mountain View was selected as the Business of the Month.  They were presented with a certificate at the Tuesday May 11th luncheon.  Pictured front row: Lindsey Holden, Jimmie and Helen Cummings owners of Tri County, and Abbigail Lenhart.  Back Row: Matt Wilbanks and Roger Strosnider.

Each Month the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce selects a business of the Month, this month the award was presented to Jimmie and Helen Cummings owners of Tri County Auto Parts in Mountain View.  Tri-county Auto Parts has served the Mountain View area since 1972 and offers parts for vehicles, tractors and more, as well as paint, hydraulic hoses, and auto accessories.  They are located on West Highway 60 in Mountain View

The next Chamber meeting will be held May 25th at 6:00 at Viandel Vineyard 8381 Hwy 60 in Mountain View and is open to the public.  Please place your food order with the vineyard prior to the meeting.  Speaker will be Stephan Foutes Director of Missouri Department of Tourism.  Doors will open at 5:00

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual