Mt. Zion Cemetery Assoc. to hold annual business meeting Sunday


WEST PLAINS, Mo. — The annual business meeting of the Mt. Zion Cemetery association of South Fork is scheduled for 2 pm Sunday, November 3 at the Mt. Zion Cemetery located south of South Fork.

In case of inclement or very cold weather, the meeting location will be change to Jerry and Shirley Surritte’s home, 4205 MDC 6960, West Plains.


Nominations and voting on new officers for 2020 will be the primary agenda of the meeting. Anyone wishing to serve as an officer or trustee should attend and submit their name for nomination. Included on the agenda will be plans for the upkeep of the cemetery in 2020 along with any improvement projects, and any fundraising efforts to help meet the cemetery upkeep expenses.

It is important for all members, shareholders, and those who have family members and loved ones interred there to attend and help support the association in the decisions made for fundraising, maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery, according to group officials.

For additional information please call Jerry Surritte at 417-257-0692, Bob Fite at 417-256-0877, or Bill Janzen at 417-255-9799.

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