Ozark County Joins Douglas in Offering HiSET Education to Inmates

Gainesville, MO. – The Ozark County Sheriff’s Department recently announced that they will be joining in on the recent Douglas County Sheriff’s Department program to provide HiSet classes to inmates.

The HiSET stands for the High School Equivalency Test, and is more-or-less a newer version of the GED with an added test section. With this, those who find themselves at a dark point in their lives can work toward betterment in developing knowledge and skills needed for modern living.

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Cass Martin, the Sheriff of Ozark County, was excited to talk to us at the station about this new program and the potential it offers to the citizens in the area. “We’re happy to provide this. This is an opportunity for them to further their education so when they are released, they have an opportunity to pursue changes in their life… I am 100% behind this.”

The instructor of this course will be the same one who initiated the program in Douglas County, Deputy Stephanie Dering, who made this all possible through putting in her own volunteer time and effort.

The payment for this course happened with an education grant through the Missouri Department of Education, and was pursued by Missouri State University – West Plains.

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