Ozark National Scenic Riverways asks for assistance in deer poaching violations

VAN BUREN, MO –​ Ozark National Scenic Riverways asks for assistance from the public to identify those responsible for recent deer poaching in Carter County.

On November 23, park rangers were notified about three dead deer south of Big Spring. Two of the deer were located within the park, one near Chubb Hollow and the other south of Cataract Landing.  The third deer was observed on private property neighboring the park near Big Tree. All three were determined to have been shot from roadways with high powered rifles at some time on November 22 or 23.

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Although many national park sites prohibit hunting, Ozark National Scenic Riverways allows hunting in compliance with the Missouri Wildlife Code and welcomes hunters who use legal means to pursue and take game. It is a violation of the Missouri Wildlife Code to take or attempt to take any wildlife from or across a public roadway with a firearm, bow, or crossbow [3 CSR 10-7.405 (3)].  In addition, no person who takes or possesses any wildlife shall wantonly leave or abandon any portion of such wildlife commonly used as human food [3 CSR 10-4.110 (7)].

The National Park Service is offering up to $5,000 for information that leads to convictions in these poaching cases.  If you have information that can help, please provide as much information as you can about the suspected poaching, including:

  • Description of vehicles or persons observed at the scene
  • Name of persons responsible or involved
  • Any other pertinent information
  • Caller’s contact information for compensation purposes

Use one the following methods to relay your information:

  • Call or text the Investigative Services Branch Tip line at 888-653-0009
  • Report online at www.nps.gov/ISB and click “Submit a Tip”
  • Email to nps_isb@nps.gov

Ozark National Scenic Riverways preserves the free-flowing Current and Jacks Fork Rivers, the surrounding resources, and the unique cultural heritage of the Ozark people.

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