Ozarks Food Harvest sets fundraising goal of $25,000 for Giving Tuesday

Funds raised will support The Food Bank’s food pantries and feeding programs in southwest Missouri

Ozarks Food Harvest has set a fundraising goal of $25,000 for Giving Tuesday to help provide food for families experiencing hunger this holiday season. Giving Tuesday is an international day of charitable giving that encourages people to commit to an act of generosity. Following Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, this year’s Giving Tuesday will take place on Dec. 1.

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Community members can support The Food Bank by donating through its website or Facebook fundraiser on Dec. 1. Ozarks Food Harvest’s fundraising goal of $25,000 will help provide more than 100,000 meals to children, families and seniors in the Ozarks. Feeding Missouri, the Feeding America food bank coalition for Missouri, will be matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000.

“The holiday season can be an especially challenging time for families experiencing hunger,” said Denise Gibson, development and communication director at Ozarks Food Harvest. “We appreciate the community helping their neighbors in need as we can take $1 and turn it into $10 worth of groceries.” Since 2014, Ozarks Food Harvest has raised more than $125,000 through Giving Tuesday campaigns to help provide more than 500,000 meals to families experiencing hunger in the Ozarks.

Ozarks Food Harvest is the largest COVID-19 related donor to charities in southwest Missouri. Since April, Ozarks Food Harvest has hosted more than 75 Mobile Food Pantries, purchased an additional $2.2 million worth of food and provided a record-breaking 14 million meals for its network of 270 hunger-relief organizations.

To donate to Ozarks Food Harvest on Dec.1, visit ozarksfoodharvest.org/donate. For more details about the Giving Tuesday movement, visit givingtuesday.org.

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