Ozarks Healthcare Behavioral Health Center (BHC) to host Hoarding Support Group

WEST PLAINS, MO – The Ozarks Healthcare Behavioral Health Center (BHC) will offer a new support group focused on healing from the hoarding mindset this spring.

“Hoarding to Healing: When Stuff is Not Enough” will be presented by BHC staff as an eight-week group and will begin March 8. The group will meet each Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m. at Ozarks Healthcare’s BHC located at #23 Parkway Center at 1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains.


Attendees will learn to minimize “stuff” in order to maximize a healthy lifestyle and declutter, both physically and emotionally. Healthy steps to establish boundaries, increase motivation, discover organizational freedom, and gain an overall better understanding of self will also be taught.

The support group is free to attend and open to anyone wishing to get in the “spring cleaning” frame of mind. Limited seating is available, so please reserve your spot by calling 417-257-6762 ahead of time.

For more information about Ozarks Healthcare’s BHC and services, visit https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/services/behavioral-health/.

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