Ozarks Healthcare Behavioral Health Center’s second annual Youth Mental Health Workshop Cancelled due to COVID-19

WEST PLAINS, MO – Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in our region, Ozarks Healthcare’s Behavioral Health Center (BHC) will cancel its second annual Youth Mental Health Workshop originally scheduled for this Friday, Aug. 20, for the safety of all participants and our community.

Presentations that were scheduled to be a part of the workshop will be recorded and sent to those who registered to attend at a later date. Registrants should continue to check their email and Ozarks Healthcare’s Facebook page for updates.


“While we wish we could meet in person for this event, we know this is the best decision for the wellbeing of our community,” Lorenda Roberson, Family Support Provider at Ozarks Healthcare Behavioral Health Center, said. “We are excited to offer video recordings of our speakers to registrants soon. This option will allow those who registered to have the presentations available for continual reference. We hope this is helpful for those who planned to attend.”

For more information, please contact Lorenda at L.Roberson@OZHCare.com or Myriah Wallace at M.Wallace@OZHCare.com.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual