Ozarks Healthcare Foundation receives Book Donation from West Plains Lion’s Club

WEST PLAINS, MO – The West Plains Lion’s Club recently presented a donation of books to the Ozarks Healthcare Foundation for pediatric patients at Ozarks Healthcare. The books will be used to help comfort and provide entertainment for patients and their families seeking medical care.

“We are touched by the generosity of the West Plains Lion’s Club and their thoughtfulness towards our patients,” Josh Reeves, Vice President of Development, said. “A hospital or doctor’s visit can be a little scary for some of our youngest patients. These books will help ease their minds and serve as a special activity for patients and their families while at our health system.” 

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The Ozarks Healthcare Foundation, established in 1998 as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with a local board of directors, serves as a liaison between donors and Ozarks Healthcare to assist the hospital in providing excellent healthcare to the communities it serves. For more information or to make a gift to the Ozarks Healthcare Foundation, please call 417-853-5200 or visit https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/support-us/foundation/.

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