Ozarks Healthcare Weekly COVID-19 Status Update Aug. 20 2021

West Plains, MO – Following the decline in new daily COVID-19 numbers in Howell County, COVID-19 hospitalizations have dropped at Ozarks Healthcare in West Plains. Covid-19 daily new cases have dropped this week compared to the previous week according to numbers released by the Howell County Health Department. Monday Aug. 9 to Thursday Aug. 12 reported 216 new cases while Monday Aug. 16 to Thursday Aug. 19 reported 111 new cases, a nearly 50% drop. Ozark Radio News spoke with Ozarks Healthcare Executive Director of Nursing Lacey Carter on the hospitalization numbers:

While this trend is in the right direction, students returning to class and the upcoming Labor Day holiday could see numbers rise again. Director Carter urges safe practices as schools return to session:

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Ozarks Healthcare and Ozark Radio News strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about healthcare and pandemic information to our shared community.

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