Ozarks Healthcare weekly update on Delta Variant, August 4, 2021

Ozark Radio News and Ozarks Healthcare are working together to bring the most up-to-date, accurate information to south central Missouri concerning the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic as the Delta variant rages on. Brittany Simers, Marketing and Public Relations Specialist with OZH, spoke on the status of the hospital on August 4, 2021:

Ozarks Healthcare currently has 30 patients hospitalized and 7 ventilators in use. The ages of patients with COVID-19 are between 34 and 92. With this outbreak of COVID-19, the vast majority of patients are unvaccinated. 

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

OZH has tightened visitor restrictions with the current surge of the Delta variant:

Visit www.ozarkshealthcare.com for more information

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