Ozarks Healthcare’s Women’s Center receives Donation of Diaper Bags for Foster Parents from The Chaos Closet

WEST PLAINS, MO – The Chaos Closet, a clothing, diaper, and supply resource for area foster families in West Plains, recently presented Ozarks Healthcare’s Women Center and OB Department with 12 brand new diaper bags filled with newborn necessities for foster parents.

Each bag included baby wash and lotion, wipes, baby blankets, bottles, grooming items, and more. Ozarks Healthcare nurses and staff from Ozarks Healthcare’s Foundation accepted the donation from Ed and DeeDee Button, Chaos Closet founders and directors.

Ozarks Healthcare Dinner

“We are honored to receive such a generous gift from the Buttons that will help foster families through our health system,” Josh Reeves, Vice President of Development at Ozarks Healthcare, said. “Newborns need a supportive family who can provide them the care and love they deserve, and these items from The Chaos Closet will help foster parents during the special beginning months of a child’s life.”

The Ozarks Healthcare Foundation, established in 1998 as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with a local board of directors, serves as a liaison between donors and Ozarks Healthcare to assist the hospital in providing excellent healthcare to the communities it serves. For more information or to make a gift to the Ozarks Healthcare Foundation, please call 417-853-5200 or visit https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/support-us/foundation/.

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