Ozarks Mountain Festival in Eminence Begins Today

Eminence, MO. – The 11th Annual Ozarks Mountain Festival in Eminence officially starts today, and will continue through tomorrow and halfway into Sunday.

This event, taking place around Main Street in Eminence is going to be host to a variety of different events, including an auction, a side-by-side show, demonstrations, crafts, and more.

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A returning favorite for this years festival is a Beard Contest to take place on Saturday, May 6th. Beverly Broyles from Ozark Marketing will be one of the judges for this contest, and gave us a short statement about the festival.

In addition, the crowning of Miss Eminence will be taking place, and there will also be a potluck on Sunday with community church service.

To find more information on this festival, do so by clicking the link here. 

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual