The Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) will host its first webinar of 2021 on Thursday, January 28. OzSBI Executive Director Heather Fisher spoke about the webinar:
Audio transcript:
“OzSBI will be hosting its first webinar of the year on January 28. The webinar is called SBA updates on disaster loan funding. It is free to attend and we will be partnering with a Missouri Small Business Development Center at West Plains and also the SBA to bring the public the latest updates on the economic and trade disaster Loan program and the Paycheck Protection Program. And also to explain how you can apply what are the loan forgiveness on requirements and data is still coming out on these program so I really encourage people to set in on this free webinar during their lunch. The speaker will be Ram Basnet and he is the SBA branch manager for our region. Yo register you can go to our website at”
For more information, click here.