WEST PLAINS, MO – The West Plains Council on the Arts (WPCA) and Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) have partnered to bring quarterly art displays to the incubator. Local artist Laura Bales’ works, “Color My World,” will be featured inside OzSBI’s first floor April 1 through end of June 2021. Visitors may view the display at the incubator during OzSBI’s business hours, anytime between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. COVID-19 safety policies are in place.
“If you are a fan of the impressionist Van Gogh and Gauguin you do not want to miss Laura Bales richly colored paintings,” WPCA Coordinator Janey Hale said. “Bales is a master of intense colors that create beautiful landscapes and other subjects.”
A Meet-the-Artist event will be held on Friday, April 9 from 2-4 p.m. in OzSBI’s lobby at 408 Washington Ave. in West Plains. The public is invited to attend, meet Bales, view and discuss the pieces on display.
Artist’s Statement
Bales says, “I am so happy to have this opportunity to have a show at OZSBI. I have always loved art and have always drawn. I started painting a few years ago and love it. Roy Hathcock was my high school art teacher. He encouraged me and said he hoped to see my art in a New York art gallery someday. I hope to encourage others to create, whatever their medium is. The arts are so important to everyone, whether music, visual art, or acting. I know arts are essential to me. This exhibit focuses on color. I love to use a lot of color and am inspired by Van Gogh as my favorite artist. I also love modern impressionistic styles. I am thankful for my group of local art friends. I encourage everyone to visit any art exhibit. We all appreciate it. Thank you for visiting and I hope you are inspired in some way.”
For more information about the exhibit, contact OzSBI Program Administrator Maegan Bell maeganbell@ozsbi.com or WPCA Coordinator Janey Hale at jhale2129@gmail.com.