Pesticide applicator training to be held in February

WEST PLAINS, Mo. — A private pesticide applicator training session will be offered at 6 pm February 11 at the Howell County Extension Center, 1376 Bill Virdon Blvd., West Plains.

The training will last approximately 2 hours. The cost is $25 per person.

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Missouri law requires all purchasers and users of restricted-use pesticides to attend a training session to be certified for a private applicators license. The training will allow individuals to recertify or receive initial training to be licensed to purchase and use restricted-use pesticides on property owned or rented. Once the training is complete, Missouri Department of Agriculture will issue a license that is good for five years.

Individuals wishing to attend must be 18 years of age or older. Individuals unable to attend the training class may contact their local extension center and schedule a time to view the training video. There is a $25 fee for all licenses issued.

Those interested should call to reserve a space at the workshop at 417-256-2391.

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