Pulltite Prescribed Burn set for Sunday, March 21, 2021

Ozark National Scenic Riverways is conducting the Pulltite Prescribed Burn on 3/21/2021. This prescribed burn encompasses 577 acres and is located approximately 21 miles northwest of Eminence in Shannon County, near Pulltite Landing on the Current River. This is a joint project with Missouri Department of Conservation and The Nature Conservancy.

Prescribed fires are carefully planned in advance to meet a variety of management goals and objectives. Objectives for using prescribed fire include:

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  • reduction of natural fuels that could lead to unplanned fires
  • restoration of native ecosystems such as glades, savannas, and woodlands
  • improvement of habitat for many native species, including deer, turkey, and collared lizards

Before burning, a designated set of conditions must exist including ideal air temperature, wind speed and direction, and relative humidity. Weather conditions will be monitored throughout the duration of the burn to ensure the fire is completed safely. Firebreaks, such as creeks, roads, or mowed lines are used to reduce the likelihood of fire spreading to areas outside the prescribed burn location.

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