Severe Weather Awareness Week begins monday

The annual Severe Weather Awareness Week is coming up next week. The highlight of the week is the statewide tornado drill which will be initiated by the NWS at 10 AM on Tuesdsay, March 3. Should hazardous weather be a threat, the drill will be postponed until 10 AM on March 5th.

The NWS will send a Tornado Warning out on NOAA Weather Radio as well as our normal wire services. Note that test wording within the drill message will cause the warning to be filtered in NWSChat and possibly other reception services.

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In addition to the drill, the NWS will highlight preparedness on the following days:

Monday – Preparedness Day
Tuesday – Tornado Safety Day
Wednesday – Flash Flood Safety Day
Thursday – Severe Thunderstorm Day
Friday – NOAA Weather Radio Day

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