Shannon County Ambulance Board equips first responders with two-way radios

Eminence, MO. – The Shannon County Ambulance Board recently hosted an appreciation barbecue for the Shannon County First Responders and the three area fire departments in Winona, Birch Tree, and Eminence. At the event, Shannon County First Responders president Allen Ford was presented with ten two-way radios by Shannon County Ambulance Board president Michael Smith. The First Responders’ Mercy liaison Carl Beasley coordinated the purchase, ensuring that the frequencies were correct and that the radios were compatible with those already in use. “It is vital that the first responders on scene can communicate effectively with the incoming ambulance,” Beasley said, “These up-to-date radios will make that much easier.”

“These radios complete the equipment we needed to get our new recruits out on the streets helping people,” said SCFR president Allen Ford. “Thanks to generous donations by many people, we already had most of the medical equipment we need. These radios are the last bit of equipment we need to become fully operational in all three towns.”

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The Shannon County Ambulance Board is an elected body currently consisting of Michael Smith, Jolene Smith, Greg Voyles, Chester “Chip” Brewer, Lori Porter, Tony Sansouci, and Michelle Shedd. Board President Michael Smith said “We are very thankful for all the first responders and we like to keep a good relationship between the ambulances and the first responders. We all have to stick together to make everything work and we all care about the people of Shannon County.”

The radios are essential to the First Responder operation. Responders are initially called to an emergency over these radios by the 911 dispatcher. They are then used to communicate with the ambulance, with other responders, and with fire or law enforcement as needed.

The Shannon County First Responders is a volunteer organization independent of the fire departments. They receive most of their funding through individual donations and community grants. Their role is to arrive ahead of the ambulance and provide whatever care is necessary to stabilize the patient until the ambulance arrives.

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