Shiba Inu Found Starved, Abused Last Month to be Prepared for Adoption

The 42 starving Shiba Inu that were discovered and rescued from a former commercial breeder in the Ava area are now officially in the custody of the Humane Society of Missouri and are being prepared for adoption after a full recovery by the same organization.

Image from the Humane Society of Missouri’s social media page on one of the confiscated canines. (2 of 3)

This original story took place on October 18th, where the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office located the previously mentioned 42 starving Shiba Inu, as well as 9 additional deceased dogs, and one additional Shiba Inu that passed away shortly after.

Bridal Expo

Image from the Humane Society of Missouri’s social media page on one of the confiscated canines. (3 of 3)

The announcement of the official custody status change of the dogs comes, ironically, during National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week, which is recognized during the first full week of November.

To learn more about the Humane Society of Missouri and their efforts, go to

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