Silver Alert Cancelled; Man Found Safe

UPDATED: Phillip Berry has now been located and is safe.



The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office has issued an Endangered SILVER Advisory for a missing adult incident that occurred at 86 Rt. V, Long Lane, MO at 1:00 p.m. on December 14, 2024.


The endangered SILVER advisory missing adult is:


Phillip Berry, a white male, age 60, height 6 feet, 190 pounds, white hair, brown eyes, wearing a t-shirt, a jean jacket, and blue jeans. 


Vehicle Information:


Red 2010 Ford Escape bearing MO, NJ5C9U last seen at 86 Rt. V, Long Lane, MO.


Brief circumstances regarding the Endangered Silver Person incident:



Subject was last seen by his wife at his residence on Rt. V in Long Lane, MO, at 1:00 p.m. on December 14, 2024. Subject told his wife he had a severe migraine headache. Subject has had suicidal ideations. Subject’s cell phone was pinged in Hardy, Arkansas at 5:24 p.m. on December 14, 2024, and was then turned off. Subject has family in Kentucky and Georgia.



Anyone seeing the missing person, suspect, associate, or vehicle, or anyone having any information related to the endangered missing person should immediately dial 911 to contact the nearest law enforcement agency or call the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office at 417-345-2441 extension 2.

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