Soldiers with Fort Leonard Wood Build Portable Stage for Plato Highschool

Plato, MO. – According to information from the webpage of the U.S. Army, soldiers recently constructed a portable stage for the Plato High School.

The project was worked by 20 soldiers from the U.S. Army’s Engineer School 120A Warrant Officer Basic Course.

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The planning for this project started between an instructor of the course, as well as a technical director for the USAES’s Department of Instruction met with school officials with the Plato R-V School District about what would enhance the schools then-upcoming graduation ceremony.

After assessing the needs of the students, it was decided that a portable stage equipped with ramps for handicapped students would be the correct course of action.

It was stated that the soldier-students that worked on the stage put their weekends and lunch hours into the project, totaling over 100 man hours.

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