South Central Ozark Council of Governments and 2 Other Groups to Receive EPA Environmental Education Funding

LENEXA, KAN. (AUG. 12, 2022) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the selection of three organizations in Missouri and Kansas to receive funding for projects through the Environmental Education (EE) Grants Program.

The Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE), Kansas City Community Gardens (KCCG), and South Central Ozark Council of Governments (SCOCOG) in Missouri are among 34 organizations across the nation selected to receive funding through the EE Grants Program. Funding will range between $50,000 and $100,000 to provide environmental education activities and programs.

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“When we equip communities with the right tools to raise awareness and advance environmental education, it benefits everybody,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “This funding will empower students and teachers in schools, and support community members in underserved and overburdened areas as we work together to tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and deliver on our mission of protecting human health and the environment for all.”

EPA anticipates providing funding for these projects once all legal and administrative requirements are satisfied.

Since 1992, EPA has distributed between $2 million and $3.5 million in EE grant funding each year, for a total of over $88.3 million supporting more than 3,890 projects. The program traditionally provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate or disseminate environmental education practices, methods or techniques. For more information, visit:

To learn more about current and past awardees, or to apply for future EE grant competitions, visit: This website will be updated as additional grants are awarded.

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