State Rep. Bennie Cook Welcomes FCCLA to the Capitol

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – State Representative Bennie Cook welcomed job shadows to the Capitol. Cali Smith, Lilly Johnson of Houston High School and Caleb Graven of Cabool High School had the opportunity to see the legislative process at work by following Rep. Cook.

Caleb Graven of Cabool High School, Lilly Johnson and Cali Smith of Houston High School

The students had the opportunity to visit the Missouri State Capitol through their FCCLA chapters, where they met with members of the House, learned about the committee process and legislation in an elections hearing, watched the House Floor debate after being introduced as special guests, and had the opportunity to meet Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, as well as Senators Karla Eslinger and Senator Jason Bean’s staff.

Bridal Expo

“I would like to thank Cali, Lilly and Caleb for making the long trip to the Capitol to learn more about the legislative process.” Cook, R-Houston, said. “Every opportunity is a learning experience, and guiding them through the processes of our state government was truly an honor.”

Representative Cook represents Texas, Phelps, and Maries counties (District 143) in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2020. For more questions, call Rep. Cook’s office at 573-751-2264.

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