Stay Heat Mindful as Temperatures Rise Across the Ozarks

The official start of the summer season is just around the corner on June 20th, next Thursday. Fitting for the time of year, heat levels are rising across the Ozarks and high humidity appears to be joining it after a dew points climb. Even today, heat index values are expected to climb to, if not exceed 100 degrees.

With that being said, we’d like everyone to remain heat-conscious as we move throughout today and this next week. According to the National Weather Service, heat has the highest recorded yearly fatality rates by a large margin, quickly exceeding tornadoes, flooding, or the cold. In 2023 alone, there were a recorded 207 deaths due to heat, with the next highest, rip currents, numbers 91.

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Over this season, stay vigilant and watch for the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, especially as we adjust to the change in temperatures.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include cramps, heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, fainting, nausea or vomiting, and headaches. If you feel you’re under the effects of these symptoms, or someone nearby is, get yourself or the other person to a cooler environment, and offer sips of water to slowly work down their temperature.

Remember as well that in the case of a heat stroke, that you should call 911 or get the victim to a hospital immediately, as this has elevated to a serious medical emergency. Do not give the victim fluids.

Read more on heat safety by clicking here.

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