TCMH announces Coronoavirus guidelines

Coronavirus Symptoms? Call Your Healthcare Provider BEFORE You Arrive.

Houston, MO Texas County Memorial Hospital is urging the community to help protect themselves and the people around them by calling ahead before just “showing up” at their healthcare provider’s clinic or their nearest emergency room. The guidelines are in place to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

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According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), you should call your doctor if:

  • You develop symptoms of cough, fever or shortness of breath.
  • Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19.

Although there has not been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Texas County or neighboring counties, members of the COVID-19 task force at Texas County Memorial Hospital are asking that the community take the guidelines seriously and abide by the requests to exercise extreme caution.

“It is important for the community to respect the safety of our patients and staff. Please follow the guidelines and call ahead before showing up unannounced at one of our clinics or the emergency room,” Wes Murray, TCMH chief executive officer said. “We will be better able to prepare for your arrival and keep those around you safe.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or may have been exposed to a potential source of COVID-19, call your healthcare provider or your nearest hospital emergency department before you arrive. You will be screened, and the best course of assessment and treatment will be determined in an effort to keep patients, staff and the general community safe.

A complete list of phone numbers to call is available here:

TCMH Cabool Medical Clinic, (417) 962-3015

TCMH Medical Complex Houston, (417) 967-5435

TCMH Family Clinic Licking, (573) 674-3011

TCMH Mountain Grove Clinic, (417) 926-1770

Texas County Memorial Hospital Emergency Department, (417) 967-3311

The CDC is the national authority on COVID-19. Healthcare providers and the public can access the most up-to-date information about the disease on the CDC website at

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