TCMH remains open to patients

As the state of Missouri takes steps to gradually reopen, Texas County Memorial Hospital wants the community to know that they are still here for their community and all healthcare services remain open.

For the safety of patients and staff, visitor restrictions are still in place, but one support person per patient is allowed IF the patient is a laboring mother, is needed to assist with medical decision-making and communicating with the healthcare team, or to assist with the patient’s care.


All patients and support persons who come to the hospital are asked to bring face coverings from home and wear them, but TCMH will provide a reusable cloth mask from their limited supply if needed.

According to the Missouri Hospital Association, healthcare facilities across the state will have to ease their restrictions slower than anyone else.

“We have been preparing for an influx of patients for a few months now,” Wes Murray, TCMH chief executive officer said. “We have not yet had a positive COVID-19 case, but if we do, our staff are prepared.”

Murray mentioned that all services at TCMH are operating “business as usual,” but with increased patient and staff safety protocols in place.

“We are here for our patients, we have been all along,” Murray said. “Every preparation that we do is to ensure we can meet the healthcare needs of our community in the safest environment possible.”

All TCMH facilities remain free from positive COVID-19 cases and all of the outpatient departments and clinics remain open for patient appointments with increased scheduling availability.

TCMH providers urge patients not to neglect their healthcare needs, noting than many illnesses if left untreated, can be much deadlier than COVID-19.

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