Terri Combs Receives MSU Community Engagement Award

West Plains, MO. – Terri Combs, registration and records assistant at Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP), received the 2022 Staff Excellence in Community Engagement Award from Missouri State University.

The award, which includes a plaque and $1,500 cash award, is given to a full-time staff member in recognition of excellence in community volunteer work with charitable, nonprofit, religious or other similar organizations. It is intended to recognize employees who volunteer their time in significant ways outside of their normal university positions and work responsibilities.

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Combs has been a part of the West Plains Council on the Arts for more than 15 years. She is the creator of BrewFest and has been served on the organizing committee for the Old-Time Music, Ozarks Heritage Festival.

In addition, she has donated her time to numerous community fundraisers. She receives the plaque above from MSU-WP Chancellor Dennis Lancaster.

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