Texas County Maintains 2nd Place As Season Ends Today, over 191,000 Deer Claimed

Texas County, MO. – Texas County has kept its spot as a leader in overall harvested deer, according to the harvest tracker chart from the Missouri Department of Conservation, taking second place overall harvested numbers.

As the season ends today, Missourians have claimed 191,070 deer as of 7:45am. Texas County, which has had high numbers throughout, tops our listening area in harvests at 3,454. Howell jumped up considerably over the course of the season, with a count of 3,004. Douglas County takes third place for the area at 2,442.


As far as state-wide numbers are concerned, however, Franklin county still managed to keep its top spot with 4,060 total deer harvested, making an over 600 count gap between first and second place numbers.

Carter: 1040

Christian: 1395

Dent: 2466

Douglas: 2442

Howell: 3004

Laclede: 2110

Oregon: 2364

Ozark: 1750

Phelps: 1702

Pulaski: 1451

Reynolds: 1579

Ripley: 2097

Shannon: 2291

Taney: 1426

Texas: 3454

Webster: 2200

Wright: 2176

Find up-to-date numbers here, courtesy of the MDC. 

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