Thayer School District Improved Security Over The Summer Due To Grants

Thayer, MO. – Like many schools around the area, Thayer School District recently added multiple security upgrades over the summer to their school grounds. 

They kept busy by adding security measures and upgrading classrooms to better protect students throughout the school day. In the elementary building, the school district added a new walkway and upgraded its doors. They used to have glass doors as the access point to the building and they replaced those with solid steel doors, making it harder for intruders to get in. On the high school campus, all the doors were the original doors from when the building was built in 1964. They replaced all of these doors to help secure them and make sure that they wouldn’t break easily. 

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The last improvement to the school was putting up gates on the school’s football, baseball, and softball complex. This will control where vehicles can travel on campus. 

All these security upgrades were only possible because of federal government funding. On Wednesday, August 14, 2024, teachers received ALICE training. The training was held to show teachers what to do in an active shooter situation. 

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