Willow Springs, MO. – The Willow Springs 4th of July Parade marshals have been announced.
Willow Springs local and former U.S. Representative Wendell Bailey spoke about the marshals:
The Veteran Parade Marshal will be Ronnie Bryan, a service veteran who suffered a major injury during a tour of Vietnam. The incident took one of his legs, but Bryan continued to contribute to his community.
The Citizen Parade Marshal is retired MoDOT civil engineer David Nelson. Nelson works as a volunteer in Willow Springs and serves as President of Senior Citizen Housing. In his free time, he plays guitar for area bands.
Individuals registering a float or participating can fill out an entry form and drop it off at the Chamber of Commerce office, located at 120 W. Main Street in Willow Springs, or email it to Chamber Director Kim McCormick at willowspringschamber@gmail.com.
There will be a limited number of forms at Booster Field on the morning of the parade for those feeling patriotic that day.
For more information, contact Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce Director Kim McCormick at 417-469-5519.