Think You Can Do Pizza? Pizza Americana Is Holding Willow Springs 1st Bear City Pizza Championship!

Willow Springs, MO. – Get ready to unleash your inner chef or just your pizza taste buds! Pizza Americana in Willow Springs is hosting the 1st Bear City Pizza-Making Championship at the 50th Annual Bear City Festival. 

This event lines up with the Bear City Festival and will take place on Saturday, October 5, 2024. The competition will commence at 8 a.m. The first 10 teams to register will get the chance to impress the judges with their special pizzas. You can participate as a seasoned pro, someone who can get creative in the kitchen, or just someone who loves pizza and knows how to not burn it. Each team will be able to choose from one of Pizza Americana’s Signature or Artisan pizzas and make it their own. They can increase it by adding spices and other creative toppings that are available. 

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The point of this competition is for each team to have fun as they create their masterpiece full of flavor, with an appetizing appearance, and menu-worthy name with the team’s creative flare. There are some rules which include:

  • Each team can include one to two individuals maximum.
  • There is a limit of 10 teams allowed to register, so make sure to be one of the first. 
  • All the finished pizzas will be sold by the slice for charity after the judges have their piece. They encourage the team members to bring an audience of supporters ready to buy your creation. 

The winners of the event will be recognized on the Main Stage at 10 a.m. and their pizza will be featured as the Pizza of the Month in October. 

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