Tips And Notes For People During The Upcoming Eclipse

West Plains, MO. – Explore West Plains recently posted a list of helpful tips for all people living in or coming to town for the Party in the Path and 2024 Eclipse. 

If you are going to attend the events it is suggested that you try to carpool or, if you live close, walk. Parking is predicted to be an issue during the Party in the Path and Eclipse week. Expect heavy traffic and long lines for any local services and before you make a trip check to make sure that the business is open. 

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

People are encouraged to treat the eclipse like a 72-hour ‘weather event’. Buy groceries and all supplies that you need ahead of time. Make sure you have all your medication filled and schedule errands and appointments before or after April 5-8.

This is a very special event, while there has been a partial eclipse in West Plains, there has not been a total eclipse in West Plains since 1869 and there won’t be another one until 2178.

You can gather and watch the eclipse from your own home or any of the special locations. You will need to wear ISO-certified eclipse glasses if you are going to watch the sun and moon you can only take these off during the point of totality and after the eclipse is over. PROTECT YOUR EYES.

Be patient. There is expected to be heavy traffic, supply shortages, and delays in certain areas. There will be visitors from all over the state and country coming into town for the event.

For more information on tips and all events going on from April 5-8 visit,


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