Home Local News Tomorrow is Election Day in Missouri: Check Here For Important Info &...

Tomorrow is Election Day in Missouri: Check Here For Important Info & Sample Ballots

Primary Election Day is coming to Missouri tomorrow! Get ready for one of the days where your voice matters by checking here on important information here, including sample ballots.

Voting begins at 6AM and goes until 7PM. You can check your voting location by going here: https://s1.sos.mo.gov/elections/voterlookup/

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Registration ended in early July. If you’re registered, you may vote by showing up to your polling location with official identifying paperwork including those issues by national or state government, such as a Social Security Card, or a valid State Drivers License.

Check out sample ballots below, organized by county:

Howell County: https://howellcounty.net/wpnew/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Website-Ballots-August-1.pdf

Oregon County:

Douglas County:

Texas County:

Ozark County:

Wright County:

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