Travis Smith Capitol Report 4-14-23

Greetings from Jefferson City. We only have 4 weeks left in Session so things are starting to move very quickly regarding how much legislation we are now hearing on the House Floor.  One of the many great things about the 155th District is the beauty of living in an area in which we are blessed to have so many opportunities to enjoy nature,  particularly being able to hunt and fish. However, with the way some of the things are going in Washington there are those looking to put multiple restrictions on the two of the things we enjoy the most.  This week we protected that right in the House of Representatives in the passing HJR 20. HJR are the initials for a House Joint Resolution which means we will let the people make the decision at the election booth. Our belief is that a high majority of people are for these rights but we will let that decision be made by the voters, not just the members of the House and Senate. Below ae the details of HJR 20 for a Constitutional Amendment to Protect the Right to Hunt and Fish.


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A piece of legislation moving through the General Assembly would allow voters to decide if the rights of hunters and anglers should be enshrined in the Missouri Constitution. This week the Missouri House gave first-round approval to HJR 20 with a voice vote. If approved by both the House and Senate and by the voters of Missouri, the measure would guarantee the right of hunters and anglers in the state to engage in hunting and harvesting wildlife and fishing by legal means, subject to duly authorized powers of the Conservation Commission.


Representative Black, the  sponsor of the legislation said, “This preserves the right of folks in our state to hunt and fish. The same rights we enjoy now, it intends to preserve those rights.” He added, “More than 25 states have adopted an amendment similar to this as a result of the similar concern that some groups across the country might want to detract from this fundamental right that we enjoy to hunt and fish.” As a supporter of this HJR I felt and stated, “This reaffirms to Missouri that the Conservation Commission, that this body, that ourselves collectively are committed to our history of hunting and fishing in this state, and it will speak to every other state out there that we are standing by those who hunt and fish as a way of life.” As a safeguard to personal property rights the amendment also does not modify property rights or trespass laws. If approved by both chambers, the proposed change to the state constitution would appear on the November 2024 ballot for voter approval. I am confident most Missourians will vote for this measure.


It’s always great to see folks from back home. This week we also Bakersfield Schools and our county commissioners visit and the Capitol. This is the people’s house and please know that we would love to have you come by if you’re ever in Jefferson City. I also want to stress that if you can’t make it up personally please feel free to call the office if you need any kind of help with Missouri State Government. The state is no different than any other business or entity in that there simply aren’t enough people working to fill the jobs available. I’ve heard stories of people being put on hold for over half an hour just waiting to talk with someone. Please know this, the people who are working are putting in long days and doing the best they can. There simply aren’t enough people to fill all of the positions. Therefore, please don’t hesitate to call our office at 573-751-2042 when you need help. That is what we are here for and what I consider to be one of the most important aspects of this position. Just today a constituent called needed help getting state certification for their organization. I personally took the information down to the Secretary of State’s Office and we were able to solve the issue right there and then. It’s all about taking care of people because we care.


God bless you and yours, the United States and the great state of Missouri.


Representative Travis Smith

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