Two Veteran Themed Events Planned in November in Howell County

Howell County, MO. – Two events have been announced recently, with veteran appreciation being the theme. One will be held first in West Plains, and the other will take place in Willow Springs the very next weekend.

Click the thumbnail image here to view the flyer for the cornhole tournament in West Plains, November 4th, 2023.

The first of these events will take place on Saturday, November 4th. It is a cornhole tournament, benefitting Segs4Vets. This will take place at the West Plains High School gymnasium and will include employees from West Plains Bank and Trust facing off against employees from surrounding area schools. The entry fee will be $25 per team, and a silent auction will also take place for further fundraising.

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The second event will be in Willow Springs at the Star Theater on Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th. This is a concert performed by the South Ozarks Community Orchestra, and is being sponsored by the Willow Springs Arts Council.

The program will include an Honor Guard presenting the colors and local
high school choir members singing Armed Forces—The Pride of America!
featuring songs of all service branches. Also on the program is a reading
by local veteran, Avery Parker, of The Ragged Old Flag, a poem by Johnny
Cash, while the orchestra performs America the Beautiful. Other musical
numbers include The Stars and Stripes Forever, Reflections from the Wall,
Rhapsody in Blue, Fanfare for the Common Man, God of our Fathers: A
Chorale Fantasy, National Emblem, and Shenandoah.

For more information on this event, go to


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