Upcoming Classes From University of Missouri Extension Offices

Howell County, MO. and Texas County, MO.- The University of Missouri just sent out information on the new classes that they have coming up on the horizon. 

Coming up on Friday, March 8, 2024 The Missouri Extensions is putting together a class, The Texas County Hay School, for the local farmers and anybody interested in and around Texas County. The Texas County Hay School is going to be held at the Texas County Fairgrounds located at 1591 US-63, Houston, MO. It will be a one day event class from 8:30 AM to 5 PM. The cost of this class is $5 per person wanting to attend. Lunch will be provided, so they ask that you please RSVP for the class by March 3, 2024. Seating for this class is limited. To register you can go online at https://extension.missouri.edu/events/hay-school-texas-county. During this class, the interested party will be learning about their beef cattle nutrition, the best way to store hay and feed, soil fertility, reading and using hay tests, and any information for farmers to best take care of their hay and cattle while out and about on the farm. The class is being sponsored by S & H Farm Supply, Inc. 

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The next class coming up will be a 2 day program, held on Thursday and Friday of March 14 and 15, 2024. The Freezer Beef School will have a charge of $150 for the 2 days and you can pay in person or register and pay online at https://web.cvent.com/event/f7930b79-7cb4-44da-8cb1-17e08e2f291f/summary. There are over 10 seminar topics in the Freezer Beef School. During the class on March 14th, there will be an introduction to the class where you will learn about the marketing approach on Ag and beef processing businesses and the reason and value behind processing your own beef. There will be tours of multiple facilities for valuing your beef and learning the operation behind processing; as well as, how to find and keep your customers. Dinner will provided for all attendees on the night of March 14th. During class on March 15th, you will learn the beef quality and yield of your animals and you will get to meet and learn from local professionals in that field; such as, Jon Carwright with Zimmerman Quality Meats, Scott Long with Cabool Kountry Meats, LLC, Greg Brown with Lucky Falling Star Ranch, Dennis Turner with Brandy Buck Beef, and Wyatt Dill with Two Bar D Beef Company. So over all in this class, you will learn the fundamentals of opening and running your own beef producing businesses, the benefits behind certain decisions made, and the quality in which you want you beef to be. 

These are two classes that will be coming out for any interested persons with the next month. Later this Spring there will be couple other classes, this includes a pasture walk and a nutrition specialist class, which we will have more information and details for you in the future when they are provided for us.

For more information visit the Missouri Extension Office website or call 417-256-2391.


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