Houston, MO — Texas County Memorial Hospital has issued revisions to the visitor restrictions that are currently in place to better protect patients and healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 outbreak. For the safety of everyone in mind, any visitor who does not follow the revised restrictions will be asked to leave.
- All visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms at the hospital entrance.
- Visitors must be at least 14 years of age.
- Any visitor who fails the COVID-19 screening will not be allowed into the facility.
- All patients and visitors must wear a mask at all times in the facility with exceptions to those who cannot tolerate masks due to respiratory issues and children under the age of 2.
- Each patient may only have one visitor per day.
- Visitors may not leave and return in the same day.
- COVID-19 positive or currently under investigation ICU patients, that are deemed “comfort care,” can have one visitor in their ICU room. Visitor will be provided appropriate PPE for their visit.
- Visitors must remain in patient’s room unless going to the cafeteria.
- Visitors who wish to purchase food from the cafeteria need to remain in the café while eating.
- Visitors are not to enter the rooms of other patients.
- One visitor per patient, per day, during visiting hours only.
- For inpatient overnight surgeries, one visitor per patient, per day.
- Visitors may visit patient in their inpatient room during visiting hours from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. only.
- Visitors will not be allowed to stay overnight without administrative approval with the exception of support person of the obstetric patient.
AREA SPECIFIC VISITORS (Visiting hours do not apply here):
- OB patients may have one support person.
- Patients receiving “end of life care” may have two visitors.
- Patients 17 years old and younger, may have one parent or guardian. This person must remain with the patient for the entire visit.
- Emergency Department patients may have one visitor, who must remain in the patient’s room for entire visit.
- Same day procedure patients may have one visitor, who must remain in the patient’s room for entire visit.
- Outpatient clinic appointment patients may have one visitor, who must remain in the patient’s room for entire visit.
- Hospice patients may have up to four visitors in their room at one time. Visitors are limited to immediate family members.
Visitors to TCMH will be asked two screening questions in addition to being screened with an infrared forehead thermometer.
- Do you have a fever of 100 or above or respiratory symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing)?
- Have you had close contact with a person that is laboratory confirmed to be infected with COVID-19?
Visitors who answer “yes” to any of these screening questions will not be permitted in the hospital. If they answer “no” to all questions, they will be permitted to visit.