Warming Shelters Open Today in West Plains & More

The City of West Plains announced this morning that there will be several locations open as warming shelters, as steep cold temperatures are met with even colder wind chills.

In West Plains, the Civic Center has been opened as a warming shelter until 8 pm today. Additionally, the West Plains Police Department has been opened as a warming shelter.


As before, the Samaritan Outreach facility is open as a warming shelter when temps fall below 15 degrees, with a check-in time at 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Lastly, Rescue Church, at 1010 W 6th Street, has been announced as a warming shelter when temps fall below 20, with check-in times between 6 pm and 9 pm.

We also have articles posted online about other warming shelters within our listening area. Click here to learn about a warming shelter in Alton, and click here to get information on warming shelters in Willow Springs, Mountain Home, and Houston.

If you have a business or organization that will be open as a warming center, please email us at news@ozarkmarketingcompany.com so we may update our information to include you.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has a map of warming centers in the state. Link provided: https://mogov.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=fdba8e0ee9cf45fe83ed6c644e7b2bcb

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