Strafford man arrested, warrant issued for Ozark woman connected to missing Ava teen

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and FBI are still searching for Hailey Marie Terrill, a white female, age 13, of Ava, MO. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has obtained a no-bond felony warrant for Jasmin Terrill-Fleetwood, age 38, of Ozark, MO in regards to interference with custody – removed from state or concealed and endangering the welfare of a child creating substantial risk – 1st-degree – 1st offense.

If an individual is aiding and assisting Jasmin Terrill-Fleetwood they will be properly charged.


On March 13, 2023, Andrew Fleetwood, age 19, of Strafford, MO was arrested on a 24-hour hold for his part in kidnapping Hailey Marie Terrell. A felony warrant was issued on March 14, 2023, for kidnapping – 1st degree and endangering the welfare of a child creating substantial risk – 1st degree – 1st offense. The bond is set at $2500 cash with bond conditions of GPS placement by CPS before release.

All suspects should be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Anyone seeing, or anyone having information related to Hailey Marie Terrill or Jasmin Terrill-Fleetwood should immediately dial 911 to contact the nearest law enforcement agency or call the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office at 417-683-1020 or the FBI office in Springfield, MO at 417-882-3303.

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