West Plains Area Celebrates Their Dogs Over the Weekend

West Plains, MO. – Multiple social media posts over the weekend from the West Plains brought some attention to local Howell County canines, and events brought a new meaning to the “Dog Days” of Summer.

The West Plains PD took time to pose with their K9 Units Tito and Loki and their handlers, Corporal Stuart and Corporal McKemie, and shared the photos online. Both dogs have been celebrated for helping in their detection of illegal substances and assistance in locating individuals. More about these canine companions can be found at the WestPlains.gov page, or by clicking here. 

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Next up, the West Plains City Pool had their Annual Dog Swim on Sunday, August 27th, which is something that occurs yearly around this time before the pool closes for the season. During this time, only dogs are allowed in the pool, with their owners allowed to stand in ankle-deep water to watch their furry friend.

This string of events coincided with National Dog Day, which is set as August 26th. National Dog Day was started as a way to bring attention to rescue dogs and the process surrounding them. Learn more about National Dog Day by clicking here. 

Lastly, don’t be afraid to post pictures on your own furry friends by posting them in the comments section of our Facebook page for this article! We’d love to see them, as there are plenty of animal lovers here at Ozark Radio and Ozark Marketing.

Photos provided by the City of West Plains and West Plains PD Facebook pages. 

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