West Plains Arts Alliance Update Features Comedy Show at the Civic Center

West Plains, MO. – August has surprised us this year with a heatwave. This time of year is usually cooler, and quieter when it comes to events, but more things are still happening despite families getting adjusted to back-to-school times.

On this week’s update on West Plains Arts Alliance events, Terry Hampton tells us about not only the August Bazaar going on at the Yellow House, but also an experienced professional comedian poised to put on a show tonight at the West Plains Civic Center.

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Jessi Campbell will be the showcase star tonight at the Civic Center. She has made her name performing in many places around the world, including the well-known Dry Bar Comedy Club, which is known for its appropriate-for-all-ages performers.

On Friday, the Yellow House will be holding its August Bazaar, featuring live entertainment, food, and more. This is a yearly event that helps to ring in the time for summer to begin winding down, and for people to prepare for the busy remaining months of the year.

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