West Plains Bank and Trust Company to give away 1,000 free Zizzer T-Shirts

West Plains, MO – In honor of Zizzer Homecoming, West Plains Bank and Trust Company will give away 1,000 free T-shirts in a drive through event at the West Plains Middle School on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020, beginning at 5 p.m., until they are gone. The drive through event has been planned to prevent a large gathering in front of Zizzer Stadium, where the shirts are traditionally distributed.

According to David M. Gohn, the shirts provide a way for community members to show team pride. “While fewer spectators are being allowed into the game, this opportunity still allows fans to support their team by wearing Zizzer Red,” Gohn said. “We have enjoyed the tradition of setting up under the purple tent in front of the stadium for many years, but feel the drive through will be the most responsible approach and still allow us to celebrate Homecoming.”

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The shirts feature a design by Jewel Hoehler, a (GRADE) student in Scott Heidy’s South Central Career Center Creative Design Class. Hoehler participated in a contest held by the bank, which is held annually with Mr. Heidy’s class. Hoehler received a T-shirt featuring her design and her class earned a $100 donation for supplies as well as a class party.

West Plains Bank and Trust Company opened its doors to customers in 1883, making it the oldest continually operating business in the area.  With more than 137 years of service to the local region, total assets of West Plains Bank and Trust Company have grown to more than $490 million with seven locations. For additional information, visit www.westplainsbank.com or call 417.256.2147.

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