West Plains City Council ends Farm Road Tax during Nov. 18 meeting

West Plains, Mo. – The West Plains City Council gathered in regular session on Thursday, November 18, 2021. During the meeting, the Council passed three bills, one ending a local tax.

The first bill to become ordinance was Bill 4696. An Ordinance of the City of West Plains, Missouri terminating the designation of the redevelopment area for the Farm Road Tax Increment Financing Plan and declaring certain approvals relating thereto null and void.

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The second, Bill 1151, allows the city to enter into another 15 year agreement with Waste Corporation of Missouri, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company doing business in Missouri as WCA of Missouri, LLC. The bill passed into ordinance unanimously.

The third and final bill, Bill 1152, authorizes the City Administrator to execute the Work Authorization Agreement with Toth and Associates for professional engineering services for Land and Easement Acquisition for the Stormwater Basins project.

The city also announced that City Utility offices would be closed on Monday, November 22 as the city is updating payment software and will not be able to accept any payments during that time. The offices will reopen on Tuesday, November 23, 2021.

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