West Plains City Council meets in regular session

The West Plains City Council met Monday, Feb. 22 in its regular monthly meeting.

West Plains City Clerk Mallory Snodgras provided a recap of the meeting:

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Transcription: “The city council met Monday, February 22nd for their regular monthly meeting. During the meeting we had apprentice lineman recognition. Nick Osborne has graduated the apprentice lineman school after four years and Tim Noakes and Keley Ward were recognized after finishing their first year with three more to go.”

Snodgras went on to discuss the bills that were read during the meeting:

Transcription: “The city council did have a second reading on an ordinance to repeal and replace the existing purchasing policy for the city and that was passed, so we do have a new purchasing policy now. We’ll get that  on the website.

There was a second reading on an ordinance vacating two portions of excess right-of-way along Worley Drive in West Plains and that passed.

We had a first reading on an ordinance of the city to amend chapter 6 “animals about – article two: dogs” of the code of ordinances for the city of West Plains by adding a new section 6 – 53 requiring dog licenses and tags. These dog tags will be provided free. The only charge you’ll have is if you need a replacement and that’s a minimal fee of $2. So, we’re going to start requiring dog tags because of our dog park. You will be able to get those at the animal control office or the utility office at City Hall in West Plains. That wasn’t the first reading so it will not be final until March. If anybody has questions on that or would like to read it you can go to our website westplains.net, click on the government tab and then click on city council meeting agenda and you can see bill 4680.”

You can watch the meeting in its entirety below:

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