West Plains Comprehensive Draft Plan Available for Public Viewing/Commentary

West Plains, MO. – The City of West Plains has been talking about the work going into their Comprehensive Plan for the last few months, which is being put into place to be a guide for development for the next decade. A draft plan has been made and has been published for the public to give a review and provide commentary.

This draft Plan can be found using the website connectwpmo.com, and will be open to the public for comment from now through July 12th. After this period, a more official plan will be made and put into place. Those who wish to have their voice heard in the development of West Plains should take advantage while the plan is still a draft.

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Additional questions should be directed toward the Zoning Administrator for the City, Dustin Harrison. Contact him by calling 417 256 7176, or by e-mail at Dustin.Harrison@WestPlains.Gov.

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