West Plains Economic Development Corporation holds monthly meeting

West Plains Economic Development Corporation (WPEDC) held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at the West Plains Public Library.

As part of the meeting, West Plains Economic Development Director, David Bossemeyer, provided a report on the following topics:

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Economic Development Director Report:

  • The newsletter was emailed.
  • Budget preparation is in process.
  • Sent a Request for Proposals on the virtual video project. Three responses were received.  Bossemeyer will bring proposals to the board next month for consideration.
  • The new Lighthouse campaign for the next several months kicked off. This was sent to NAIC codes related to timber.  Specifically, chemicals produced from timber.  The rejection rate was higher than in past campaigns.  He is researching to see why.
  • Gave an update on the Southern Hills project.

Other business conducted by the Executive Board included:

  • Guest Tom Stehn reported:
  • Railroad overpass application has been submitted. Announcement will be next March
  • The OMC access is moving forward. They still have one property to acquire.
  • Stehn updated everyone on the regional efforts being made to form a coalition with the goal being to get Highway 63 a four-lane highway from Jefferson City to Thayer.
  • Bossemeyer presented the proposed budget for 2021. Motion and second made to approve the budget.  Motion passed.
  • Myles Smith reported:
  • Job ads for local companies had been placed in the Quill and Howell County News. A suggestion was made to also include the Horse Trader
  • Smith presented the plan for 2021 to 2023 fundraising campaign. A discussion was held on companies to add to the list.  Smith will add these and send to the Executive Board by email.
  • Smith presented the goals for 2021-23.
  • Discussion and adoption of formal policy for nomination committee.
  • Carol Silvey requested future meetings have both in person and virtual options for attendance. Motion and second made to approve. Motion passed.

Anyone interested in serving on one of the committees may contact Tom Stehn at the West Plains City Hall or Myles Smith at Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative.

The West Plains Economic Development Corporation, was formed as a public/private partnership to boost the economic development prospects in the area. The board consists of representatives from the business sector, the community, and the City of West Plains – all of whom will work closely with Dave Bossemeyer on economic development projects for the area.

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