West Plains Economic Development Corporation holds monthly meeting

West Plains Economic Development Corporation (WPEDC) held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 09, 2021 at the West Plains Public Library.

As part of the meeting, West Plains Economic Development Director, David Bossemeyer, provided report on the following topics:

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

The financial reports were reviewed.  A motion and second was made to accept the financial report.  Motion passed.

Economic Development Director Report:

  • The video with Golden shovel is moving forward. Kick off meeting was held. 128 individuals have been asked for input.  Questionnaire will be used for script development.
  • 107 emails were sent in January who queried the website. 6-7 replied encouraging continued contact.
  • Ridgecrest hotel was vacated and sold. It is now named the Heights and will offer 114 studio apartments. They are hoping to begin leasing May 2021.
  • RFI’s sent to “project metal fab” and “project cut and sew”. Both are small fabricators will a possibility of employing 50.
  • Southern Hills façade is under construction with some new stores potential open date earlier than anticipated. Target open date is May 2021.
  • Tractor Supply anticipates opening February 20, 2021.
  • A ladies clothing store has entered a letter of intent to occupy the JC Penney building.
  • A permit was issued for new low-income housing units.
  • The omnibus bill that included removal of CID/TIF zones was vetoed by the governor recently. However, additional bills are under review that threaten them as well.

Other business conducted by the Executive Board included: 

  • Committee Updates: Myles discussed each committee and gave a brief update of accomplishments. Of note was assistance from the tourism/marketing committee to secure the return of the NJCAA national volleyball tournament. New board members have been asked to choose a sub-committee to serve so we may fill vacancies left by those leaving the board last month due to term expirations. Sonja will send members the sub-committee roster. Each new member should let her know where they desire to serve. Also, sub-committee chairs will be asked to schedule a meeting in the near future and consider attendance at the monthly meeting.
  • City Agreement: Members reviewed and discussed a draft of the proposed agreement between the City of West Plains and WP EDC. Myles to make a few corrections and forward to Tom Stehn. Tom currently has the agreement out for review and will present it to the City attorney when appropriate.
  • Economic Development Training: New board members were welcomed. Dave provided training to those in attendance. Training was well received.

Anyone interested in serving on one of the committees may contact Tom Stehn at the West Plains City Hall or Myles Smith at Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative.  

The West Plains Economic Development Corporation, was formed as a public/private partnership to boost the economic development prospects in the area. The board consists of representatives from the business sector, the community, and the City of West Plains – all of whom will work closely with Dave Bossemeyer on economic development projects for the area.

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